Planning Application
We are consulting on the details of our proposals before submitting a Reserved Matters application, having already gained Outline permission, reference 20/11192.
The forthcoming Reserved Matters application will set the detail on this portion of allocated land to the south of Milford Road. Whilst vehicular and pedestrian links are being planned to aid the delivery of the remaining land, no proposals are being put forward with this consultation as the control of this site is outside that of Bargate Homes.
Design and layout are to be determined, as the broad principles of the scheme have been established already, namely the access, the upper limit on the number of homes and the open spaces.
The scheme at a glance:
Up to 110 new homes with a mixture of sizes, designs, types and ownership options to meet local needs, with 50% affordable housing provided in line with local policy
A network of open spaces, children’s play areas, landscaping, highways improvements and sustainable urban drainage infrastructure
Ecological enhancements and substantial green infrastructure
Substantial investments in local infrastructure and public services to be agreed with New Forest District Council further down the planning process
Elevations of the indicative house types
• 45 (50%) to be affordable homes with a mix of rented and intermediate or shared ownership options
• The housing shall be a majority of 2 storeys but the flats increasing to 2.5 and 3 storey where appropriate
• New vehicular access from the A337, Milford Road, supported by pedestrian footpaths
• Connections to the existing Public Rights of Way will be provided
• Formal and informal open space, including children’s play facilities
• On-site Alternative Natural Recreational Greenspace provision
• Ecological enhancements to support existing biodiversity and provide a biodiversity net gain
• Appropriate surface water drainage solutions including SUDS and attenuation features