We are currently consulting local residents and decision makers about our proposals for up to 110 homes with a mixture of sizes, designs, types and ownership options, of which 50% will be affordable in line with local policy.
We will create a network of open spaces, children’s play areas, landscaping, highways improvements and sustainable urban drainage infrastructure.
Our proposals also include ecological enhancements and substantial green infrastructure which will deliver a biodiversity net gain. In addition we will invest in public services, the detail of which is to be agreed with New Forest District Council.
Bargate Homes proposes delivering high quality, well designed new homes on behalf of parent company, VIVID (one of the largest Housing Associations in the UK). Last year VIVID helped 356 families buy a home of their own, through 200 shared ownership properties, 126 properties built for direct private sale and 30 homes converted from Intermediate rent to shared ownership. Overall VIVID would like to create 17,000 new affordable homes across the south over the next 10 years.
We’d be interested in hearing your views on the proposed development so do please fill out the feedback form below. Let us know if you are interested, for yourself, family member or more generally for others in the local community.
Further Information and Next Steps
An outline planning application is due to be submitted in October 2020 which looks to establish the number of houses, access and open space. Should this be approved by New Forest District Council a reserved matters application will be submitted following further stakeholder engagement and public consultation to determine and design the detailed elements of the scheme such as the masterplan and design of the homes.