Land at Milford Road,
We would like to thank the Planning Committee for supporting the officer recommendation for approval.
April 2023 update
Outline planning permission has been issued following completion of the Section 106 legal agreement. Plans are now being progressed for the Reserved Matters application which agrees the final layout and detail of the scheme. Bargate Homes’ plans for 90 new dwellings, 50% of which will be affordable homes, are progressing. You will find tabs at the bottom of the website’s page to specific information. Once you’ve had a look, please complete the feedback survey which is top right of this page.
As a reminder, the principle of Bargate Homes constructing new dwellings on this site has been established. Therefore your views are sought on the details of the worked up designs.
To let us know what you think about the scheme, respond on our Feedback page.
We welcome any feedback. If you have any questions, email: or call our Freephone line: 0800 148 8911 during office hours.
The scheme at a glance:
90 new homes (a reduction of 20 from the outline permission) with a mixture of sizes, designs, types and ownership options to meet local needs, with 45 (50%) affordable housing provided in line with local policy
A network of open spaces, children’s play areas, landscaping, highways improvements and sustainable urban drainage infrastructure
Ecological enhancements and substantial green infrastructure. Biodiversity net gain will be achieved through offsite mitigation
Substantial investments in local infrastructure and public services agreed with New Forest District Council